Dirk Beyer
Full Professor, Head of Research Chair (Lehrstuhlinhaber), Software and Computational Systems Lab, Department of Computer Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Germany
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Patricia Bouyer
Senior Researcher, CNRS, Director of LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay, France
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Short biography
Patricia Bouyer holds a PhD in Computer Science from ENS Cachan (2002). She has been a CNRS researcher from 2002 to 2020 at “Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification” (LSV, CNRS & ENS Cachan, France). She is now the head of the “Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles” (LMF, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay, France). She has held visiting positions at Aalborg University (Denmark) in 2002 and Oxford University (UK) in 2007. Patricia Bouyer’s main research topics are model checking, game theory, and quantitative aspects of verification. She has been the principal investigator of ERC Starting Grant project EQualIS (2013-2019). She was the recipient of a Marie Curie fellowship in 2006, of the Bronze medal of CNRS in 2007 and of the Presburger Award given by the EATCS in 2011.
Marco Montali
Full Professor in Computer Engineering, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
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Short biography
Marco Montali is a Full Professor in Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, where he also coordinates the BSc Program in Informatics and Management of Digital Business. His research is in artificial intelligence and information systems for the modelling, analysis, and mining of processes and agents. The Leitmotiv is the combination of model-driven and data-driven techniques to engineer trustworthy and reliable information systems and agents, focusing on their dynamics over time. He has served as PC Chair of BPM 2018, RuleML+RR 2019, ICPM 2020, and CBI 2021, as General Chair of ICPM 2022 and EDOC 2022, and was for 3 years steering committee member of the IEEE task force on process mining. He is co-author of more than 250 papers, many of which in top-notch conferences (AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, PODS, BPM, CAiSE, ICPM) and journals (IS, TKDE, JAIR, TOSEM), and recipient of 10 best paper awards and 2 test-of-time awards. He received the 2015 “Marco Somalvico” award, given by the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence to the best under 35 Italian researcher in artificial intelligence. He regularly meets the general public, industries, and students to discuss about artificial intelligence and its societal implications.